Jan 9-12, 2025
Introducing our SAFF Mascot
The Reel Film Buddy
Are you a film buddy?!
We have a film ambassador this year! He is the REEL FILM BUDDY. Film Buddy sees the world as one big movie! There is always action and excitement and dancing when Film Buddy is out around town!
SAFF Film Buddy believes, ”Movies are a great way to experience the World; experience different cultures, different people, and seeing unique situations. He believes films connect people on the screen and with the audience and that is what makes ‘going to the movies’ a really great thing”!
A lion by nature, and the symbol of Saint Augustine, this lion is a film fan extraordinaire! Film Buddy will be seen around town, venues and events for anyone that wants to talk about movies or replay a scene from a movie!
If you spot Film Buddy outside being his fun self, take a picture and post it to our Facebook page! We would love to see how people experience his joyful presence.
BTW, Film Buddy has QR codes that will take you right to our website to purchase tickets and gather information about the festival.
Facts about REEL FILM BUDDY:
·A Lion is a social cat.
The Saint Augustine Lion is the mascot of the city, but did you know that our Lion is also a true film fan
Film Buddy” loves the history of film making.
Film Buddy” loves to read scripts, act out scenes(without words Film Buddy does not speak), dance along and sing along while watching movies.
Film Buddy” loves learning various techniques and styles and eras.
Film Buddy” doesn’t like everything, but as a good film “cinephilia” “Film Buddy” gives every movie a try!
Film Buddy” wants everyone to be a movie fan!
Film Buddy” responsibility, as a volunteer, is to invite everyone he meets to the Annual Saint Augustine Film Festival
In December and January before the Film Festival, Film Buddy will be making guest appearances around the Saint Augustine area. See Film Buddy during the Festival at film showings and parties, dates TBA..